Subscription Plan
We Offer several types of memberships depending on what you do.
Note: All individual plans come with a 14 day trial for $1.00.
Senior Living Providers
This is for individuals who work for a senior living operating or developement company.
Other is sort of a catch all for folks who have an interest in the senior living industry but are not really vendors or providers. Here are some examples:retired senior living professionals,academics,student and residents.
As we look at the senior living world we would call you a vendor if you sell products or services to senior living communities.this would include consultant,and finance folks.I am sure this does not apply to you,but community groups(things Linkedin Groups) have been destroyed by well-intentioned vendors.we welcome you with open arms because you are vitally important to the industry.Please see our Terms of Service (need a link here),but the short version is that you will not allowed to post promotional things on the main discussion thread.